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Edrich Photo Collection

Find your families graduation photos now in the Edrich Photo Collection.  Years covered 1940 – 2000.
To many people the name “Edrich” can be associated with a long business presence in Ryneveldt Street in the heart of Stellenbosch. Started in the back yard of his parents’ house,  Hennie Lubbe started with his photo development service in 1946. With the help of his partner, Eddie Swart, Edrich was built up and became the art gallery and photographic business we know today. In 1986  Swart passed away and Edrich was sold to the Volschenks, which decided to donate the negative collection, then dating from the 1940′s all the way up to 2000 to the Stellenbosch University Archives in 2003.

Should you wish to order black and white photographs you can order them directly from Stellenbosch University for a nominal fee.

To order the photo click on the image with the right mouse button and choose the option “View Image info” then look at the Location e.g. https://ancestry24.co.za/wp-content/gallery/edrich-collection/00851.jpg and the file name which is the last part of the url after the last backslash / is the name of the image you need to order or click on the “Order hi-res image here” option.

These have all been digitalized over the years and are finally available for purchase. Find a few examples of the Edrich collection, ranging from 1940 to 2000 below

2 Responses to “Edrich Photo Collection”

  1. FBuys November 23, 2012 at 6:36 pm #

    very irritating that one can search it !!

    • Heather MacAlister November 25, 2012 at 8:16 pm #

      Hi Fanie
      You can search the Edrich Photo collection.
      Go to the front page of Ancestry24, type the the name of the person you are looking for and click search, then click on the left menu on the search results page that says photos and all the photos with that persons name will appear.

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