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SA Genealogies Vol 16

sag1The last book in the current series of SA Genealogies has been published. This volume consists of 180 X to Z surnames as well as an Addendum of another 120 families, e.g. Barry, Berrington, Chadinha, Dexter, Dunn, Hickman, Pot(t)as, etc. These surnames were not included in the previous 16 volumes. Price: R400.

This set of books covers 1000′s of South African families pedigrees from the late 1600′s until as late as 2008 in some instances.  However in most instances there are very few references as to where the material has been sourced and thus errors and omissions will be found.

It is advisably wherever possible to verify the sources given.

To purchase this book and other volumes contact the Genealogical Institute of South Africa


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