* No registration is required.

Forgot Password or Username?

Step 1: Please enter the e-mail address that you initially used to register on Ancestry24.

Step 2: Check your e-mail (also the junk mail folder) for confirmation that you would like to change your password. Click on the link in the message.

Step 3: A second e-mail will contain a new password. Note that you will only receive this if you clicked on the link in Step 2.

Once you have logged in with your new password, change your password to something that you can remember. At the top of the page, mouse over (without clickling) "My Account" and click on "Settings". You will be taken to page that will allow you to create your own custom password.

Please note that the following should be avoided as they are common and therefore easy to guess:

  • the word "password"
  • name of your partner or pet