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Rhodesian Christian Women's Association

RHODESIESE CHRISTELIKE VROUEVERENIGING (R.C.V.V.). This Rhodesian Christian Women’s Association was founded in 1937 by the presbytery of the Ned. Geref. Kerk in Bulawayo with the aim of serving the spiritual, cultural and social needs of the community. When the Ned. Geref. parishes in Central Africa were incorporated with the Ned. Geref. Kerk of the Transvaal in 1957 the R.C.V.V. continued its separate existence. When the Rhodesian and other Central African parishes formed a separate synod (the Synod of Central Africa) in 1962, the association remained the official women’s auxiliary of that synod. Owing to political changes the work of the association is now limited to Rhodesia and no longer includes Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia).

The association works through its branches, under the guidance of local church councils, and a central executive on which the synod is represented. Practical services are rendered in the parishes according to local needs. Particular attention is directed toward the building-up of Christian family life in all its aspects. A hostel in Salisbury, erected by the R.C.V.V. at its own expense, provides a home for some 50 young women working in the city. Over the years a substantial bursary fund has helped students in many spheres of life to continue their studies after leaving school. In order to ensure the future adherence of young people to the church, the use of the Afrikaans language in homes and schools is consistently encouraged.

The R.C.V.V. takes a special interest in education and actively assists the church by giving Bible classes in schools. Wherever possible, Afrikaans classes are given to children attending English schools. Most of the branches have their own libraries, with a children’s section. Financial support is given to church institutions such as the Bothashof school and children’s home (formerly Daisyfield) at Salisbury, the Excelsior church school at Bulawayo and the old-age home at Gwelo. The amount collected and controlled by the R.C.V.V. is approximately 12 000 Rhodesian dollars annually. By 1972 there were 27 branches in Rhodesia, with a total membership of 550.

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