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Rev. James Wilson Thompson

James Wilson THOMPSON was converted to God at the age of fifteen and soon after began to preach. His devotion and loyalty to His Master was, in early life, put to a severe test. He bore the trail, rejecting the offer of the world for the sake of the Gospel, and gladly endured the loss of all things for Christ’s sake.

After a very successful college course he came to South Africa in 1883. In a very short time he became known as a man of more than ordinary ability, and possessed of varied gifts. His preaching was powerful, practical and pointed, and being a gifted speaker, the people heard him gladly. He was also an earnest Evangelist, and in the early part of his ministry he was set apart for special Evangelistic Work. He gained a great influence over men, and many who made no religious profession delighted to hear him preach, and were greatly influenced by his words. He dealt with men faithfully and fearlessly, but gained their hearts. He was generous  and large-hearted, and did many things for the sick, the poor and the suffering. His sympathies were so wide and deep that men loved him greatly and were ready to do anything for him, and the influence he gained over men was often very wonderful.

Those who knew him best felt that his life was full of great possibilities. During the short but fatal illness which caused him intense suffering he bore frequent testimony to his faith in Jesus Christ. The unseen things of the spirit world were very real to him during these days of suffering. He passed away at Grahamstown on January 13th, 1904, in the forty six year of his age.

From: Minutes of Wesleyan Methodist Conference 1904 page 8


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