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Maitland Cemetery Records

Search the over 37 000 records from Maitland Cemetery .

When did it start?

The very first burial in Maitland Cemetery was on the 16 January 1886. With over 100 000 souls buried in this huge cemetery covering 100 hectares.

This graveyard is now nearing its capacity and needs to be retained as a haven of remembrance as well as a place where it is safe to walk around the rich heritage of the famous and not so famous people who have made the City of Cape Town what it is today.

A large proportion of bodies from the old Somerset Road Cemetery have been re-interred in Maitland Cemetery. Many of the headstones are laid out as paths, some put up against the wall and others lay buried under mounds of mole hills.

Maitland Cemetery Project

If you are interested in help Ancestry24 photograph every grave  or you want to find out more about the project please contact us. As part of their civic duty and preservation of National Heritage these headstones once photographed and tagged will be available to the public for free on the our gallery.

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2 Responses to “Maitland Cemetery Records”

  1. Sharon.Keanly June 8, 2012 at 11:17 am #

    I am so proud to see this picture on this website. This is our family plot at Maitland Cemetary.

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