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How do I trace my coat of Arms?

whatisheraldryTo find your coat of arms of old Afrikaans Families in South Africa you will need to have a look at our book Groot Familienaamboek As part of your subscription you can access this book by just searching for the name you are looking and then look in the book section of our search results. Over 3,000 South African families are discussed, approximately 450 Family Crests and Coats of Arms are available in full colour and another 350 signatures of ancestors add value to this resource. For English families the book British Families in South Africa which covers a few hundred families and also provides origins of the family as well the progenitors.

For Coats of Arms that are not mentioned you should write to or contact:

Bureau of Heraldry
The State Herald
Postal address: Private Bag X236, PRETORIA 0001
Street address: 24 Hamilton Street, Arcadia, PRETORIA

Tel: (012) 441 3200. Fax: (012) 323 5287
Fax to e-mail: 086 529 6407
E-mail: heraldry@dac.gov

It is important to remember that not every family has a coat of arms yet if you would like to have one you can get one drawn up and have it registered with the Bureau of Heraldry.

Ancestry24 has sourced this fascinating video  which will give you insight on how to trace your coat of Arms if your family originated from either England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales.

Crests And Insignia:

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