For those of people who are concerned about their family tree being missing – please don't worry.
Your family tree is safe and sound. At the moment we are busy upgrading our tree builder and will in the ready in the next month hopefully and have a super improved ready for you to use.
Our new Tree Builder will have the facility to add profile photos, time line, endless generations and multiple marriages as well as print facilities and a GEDCOM importer.
As part of our terms and conditions we strictly advise that you retain a copy of your family tree on your own personal computer as we cannot be held liable should any information be lost or become corrupted.
We suggest that you download any of the shareware genealogy programs available on the internet such as Brothers Keeper . This will ensure that you have local copy and back up of your own material and also you can share it with other people, add images, videos and print charts.
Should you have any further questions to ask us – please email us here