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Biographies of the South African Struggle

Oscar Dumisani Dhlomo

Search our database of over 1700 South African’s who fought against apartheid and who were part of the struggle. Details include full names, dates of birth, place of birth, occupation, place of education, parents names, spousal details as well as recreational activities, employer, number of children and physical addresses.

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This unique database embraces those who fought and died for their country. Many of these individuals belonged to organizations  that had been banned under the Suppression of Communism Act  and include the Communist Party of South Africa, the A.N.C. (African National Congress) and the P.A.C. (Pan-Africanist Congress) – together with their more militant offshoots, Umkonto we Sizwe (A.N.C.) and Poqo (P.A.C.).

Some of these people were exiled and have now returned to South Africa.


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