Memorials of Old St. George’s Cathedral in Cape Town
Excerpts The Memorials of Old St. George’s Cathedral, Cape Town. Transcription of published in Africana Notes and News, December 1970 vol 19 No. 4, article by R.R. Langham-Carter. 1. Ella Maria Warden (1804–1 October 1829). Daughter of Major-General Sir Lionel Smith and wife of John Warden of the Bombay Civil Service, mentioned earlier in this [...]
Genealogy South Africa: Quo Vadis?
A workshop on the way forward with genealogy in South Africa Saturday, October 13, 2012, Goodwood Library Hall 09:00 – 16:00 Cost: R30 You are cordially invited to attend a one day workshop on the way forward with genealogy in South Africa. Please e-mail Andrew Kok before 10 October 2012 to ensure your booking for [...]
Maritzburg College Year Books 1888 – 2010

Ancestry24 has kindly sponsored the digitisation of the Year Books for Maritzburg College as they approach their 150th Anniversary. Maritzburg is the oldest boy’s high school in Kwazulu Natal. Start searching now. These Year Books provide valuable insight to the school as well as teachers, principals, sports Teams, events, team photographs. But not forgetting the children’s [...]
More Somerset Road Cemetery Headstones Found

As Ancestry24 approaches the 20 000 mark of graves photographed in Maitland Cemetery, we have realised how many headstones have fallen over and how many graves don’t actually have headstones. We also have discovered more and more lost headstones from Somerset Road Cemetery are becoming more obvious as we photograph and clean every headstone. On our [...]
Dr David Culpin – The Narrative of the Shipwreck of the French Vessel the Eole
The Open Book Festival at Belville Library will have guest speaker Dr. David Culpin from the University of St. Andrews talking on The Narrative of the Shipwreck of the French Vessel the Eole on the coast of Kaffraria in April 1829 was written by Charles Etienne Boniface and was the first French book and the [...]
Heritage Month Workshop

The Cape Town Family History Society will hold a Heritage Month Workshop on Saturday 15 September 2012 at 2.30pm, at St John’s Church, Wynberg. Members are invited to bring items for the ‘Show & Tell’ Table. Opportunity for questions about related subjects or advice on breaking down Brick Walls. Visit their website for map and [...]