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1906 East London and Frontier Red Book

September 21, 2010

This superb new directory contains over 10,000 individuals in the Eastern Cape. This collection includes Surname, First Name, Profession, Street Address and notes. We found Charlene Wittstock the future Princess of Monaco’s family listed here. Are you related to Charlene?

It covers farmers and residents in the areas: Barkley East, Bedford, Cathcart, Dordrecht, East London, Fort Beaufort, King Williams Town, Komgha, Prince Albert, Queen’s Town, Steynsburg, Stutterheim, Transkeian Territories, Victoria East and Wodehouse.

Below is a list of names in the directory.

Aaling, Aardt, Abarms, Abdoola, Abernethy, Abramowitz, Ackerman, Acton, Adam, Adams, Adcock, Addleson, Adendorff, Adey, Adkin, Adkins, Adlam, Adlan, Aereboi, Aggett, Agnew, Ahlschlager, Ahrbeck, Ahyce, Ainslee, Ainslie, Aitchinson, Aitken, Alander, Albers, Albertyn, Albertze, Alcock, Alcott, Aldred, Aldrich, Aldworth, Alexander, Alexanderson, Alford, Algie, Algreen, Aling, Allan, Allen, Allian, Allie, Alston, Alstrom, Alt, Altenkirch, Ambrose, Anderson, Andie, Andreka, Andrew,
Andrews, Annadale, Annandale, Ansbridge, Ansley, Antonie, Antonina, Apirion, Aposolato, Appleby, Arber, Archers, Arderne, Armour , Armser, Armstrong, Arndt, Arnod, Arnold, Arnott, Arthur, Artz, Asburry, Ash, Ashdown, Ashford, Ashington, Ashley, Ashman, Ashmead, Ashten, Ashton, Aske, Aspeling, Aspinall, Astle, Athernes, Atherstone, Atkins, Atkinson, Atterbury, Attridge, Attwell, Attwood,
Atwell, Aubert, Aucamp, Auchamp, Augustian, Aunandale, Austin, Avery, Avi, Axland, Aylesbury, Ayling, Aylwin, Ayton, Azzie, Bade, Baer, Bagshaw, Bahlmann, Bailey, Bailie, Baillie, Bain,
Baisley, Baker, Baker, Bakkes, Bales, Balk, Ball, Ballantine, Ballantyne, Ballinger, Baltzer,
Balzer, Bam, Bambridge, Bamford, Bands, Bangan, Bange, Banger, Banks, Barachievy, Baragwanath,
Barber, Barbour, Barclay, Bardrick, Barendse, Barendt, Bark, Barker, Barna, Barnard, Barnes, Barnett, Barr, Barrable, Barratt, Barrett, Barrie, Barris, Barrow, Barry, Bartel, Bartholomew, Bartlett, Barton, Bartosh, Base, Basket, Bassett, Basso, Basson, Bastard, Bastow, Batchelor, Bate, Bates, Batterson, Batting, Bauer, Baxter, Bayly, Bayne, Beadly, Beamish, Beaton, Beattie, Beavan,
Beck, Becker, Beckles, Beckmann, Beckmans, Beester, Beetham, Beetje, Begbie, Begg, Behr, Behrendt, Behrens, Beierle, Bekker, Bell, Bellamy, Bellgrove , Benade, Bendall, Bendel, Benkenstein, Bennet, Bennett, Bennette, Bennie, Benson, Bentley, Bently, Benzies, Beplat, Berg, Bergh, Berlin, Berliner,
Berman, Bernard, Berndt, Berning, Bernis, Berrington, Berry, Bertram, Bessenger, Beste, Bester, Beswick, Bett, Bettis, Beukes, Beykirch, Beyleveldt, Bezuidenhout, Biagio, Biggs, Bijon , Bika, Biljoen, Biljon, Billet, Billett, Billing, Billingham , Bing, Bingle, Birch, Bird, Birkett, Birkholtz, Birt, Bishop, Bisse, Bisseker, Bisset, Bissett, Black, Blackbeard, Blacker, Blaine, Blair, Blake, Blaker, Blakeway, Blanck, Bland, Blenkinsop, Blent, Bleske, Bleskij, Blewitt, Blinck, Blingenhoud, Block, Bloe, Bloem, Bloemhoff, Blom, Bloomfield, Bluett, Bluhmberg , Blumberg, Blumer,
Blumrick, Blundell, Blyth, Boardman, Bode, Bodill, Boese, Boettcher, Bohn, Boje, Bold, Bolger, Bolland, Bolton, Bolus , Bompas, Bon Marche, Bonar, Bond, Boneface, Bonge, Bongwe, Bonn, Bonstow, Bonus, Boody, Booker, Boorman, Booth, Booty, Booysen, Booyzen, Borcherds, Borlase, Bosch, Boshoff,
Bosman, Botha, Bothma, Botis, Bott, Botton, Boucher, Bourgard, Bourke, Bourne, Bousfield, Bouwer, Bovey, Bowden, Bowen, Bower, Bowes, Bowie, Bowker, Bowles, Bowman, Boxall, Boy, Boyce, Boyd, Boyes, Boylan, Boyle, Brack, Bradfield, Bradford, Bradley, Bradshaw, Brady, Brailsford, Brain, Braizer, Bramwell, Brandon, Brandt, Branfield, Brascombe, Bratose, Brauns, Braunschweig, Brauyns, Bray,
Breakey, Breat, Breavis, Breed, Breedt, Breetzke, Brenbom, Brenor, Brent, Brewer, Brewis, Breydenbach, Brian, Brice, Brick, Brickdale, Brickhill, Bridge, Bridges, Brigg, Briggs, Bright, Brill, Brimble, Brine, Brink, Briscoe, Brisges, Brits, Brittain, Britts, Broadway, Brock, Brodie, Broedelet, Brokshaw, Brole, Broli, Broman, Brook, Brookes , Brooking, Brooks, Broster, Brotherton, Browers, Brown, Browne, Browning, Brownlee, Bruce, Bruckhausen, Brugman, Brummer, Brussouw,
Brussow, Bruton, Bryant, Bryant , Bryce, Bryden, Bryson, Bucahn, Buch, Buchanan, Buchinger, Buchler, Buchner, Buckland, Buckley, Budd, Budge, Buffe, Buis, Buitendacht, Buitendag, Bulwer, Bunn, Buran, Burchell, Burford, Burger, Burgess, Burghersheim, Burl, Burls, Burman, Burmeister, Burmester, Burn, Burnard, Burnley, Burns, Burrell, Bursey, Bursford, Burt, Burtosh, Busby, Bush,
Bushby, Bushell, Bushridge, Buss, Butchart, Butler, Butt, Butter, Butteson, Buttner, Button, Buurman, Buys, Buytendag, Bydell, Byerley, Byleveldt, Byram, Cage, Cahi, Cain, Cairns, Caister, Calder, Calderwood, Caldwell, Callaghan, Callahan, Callaway, Calverely, Cambell, Camberlain, Came, Cameron, Camp, Campbell, Cane, Canham, Canney, Cannon, Capeles, Caplain, Caplen, Caples, Cardinal,
Carelse, Carey, Carlin, Carlisle, Carlyle, Carmichael, Carnegie, Carney, Carpenter, Carr, Carrie, Carrington, Carroll, Carson, Carter, Cartwright, Carver, Cary, Casdano , Case, Cashel, Casoojee, Caspear, Cass, Cassel, Cassells, Cassidy, Castanos, Castle, Castrickios, Cathbert, Catherine, Catling, Catto, Caulfield, Cawood, Cawthorne, Cayte, Celopse, Center, Chalcroft, Chalmers,
Chamberlain, Chambers , Champman, Chan Tin, Chantler, Chaplin, Chapman, Chappell, charles, Charles , Charnas, Charnley, Charsly, Chart, Charters, Chase, Chatterton , Chavannes, Chavannes , Cheeseman, Chinn, Chipps, Chirstmas, Chistall, Chittenden, Chivers, Chong, Chow, Christian, Christiansen, Christie, Christopher, Christopherson, Chubb, Chun, Church, Claasen, Clack, Clampitt,
Clapperton, Clark, Clark , Clarke, Clarke , Clarkson, Classen, Clay, Clayton, Cleary, Cleave, Clements , Cleote, Clifford, Clifton, Cloete, Cloke, Clough, Clur, Clydesdale, Coaiger, Coakes, Coats, Cochran, Cochrane, Cock, Cockburn, Cockcroft, Cockerill, Cockin, Cockroft, Codd, Coetser, Coetze, Coetzee, Coetzee , Coetzer, Cohen, Cohen , Colbeck, Colbey, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Colleen,
Collett, Colley, Collings, Collins, Colmer, Colville, Combin, Combs, Comley, Conellan, Connell, Connellan, Connley, Connock, Conradie, Conradt, Conroy, Conry, Contat, Cook, Cooke, Cookhard, Cookson, Coombes, Coombs, Coop, cooper, Cooper , Copeland, Coppard, Corbell, Corbett, Corboy, Corby, Cordeaux, Corder, Corderoy, Cordner, Corfield, Corin, Cornell, Corner, Cornhill, Cornwell,
Corry, Corssley, Cory, Cos, Cosgrove, Coslet, Cossi, Costello, Coster, Cotterel, Cotterell, Cottsoll, Coulter, Courtenay , Courteney, Cousins, Coutts, Coutts , Cowen, Cowie, Cowley, Cowper, Cox, Coxson, Coyte, Crabtree, Cragg, Craig, Crawford, Craythorne, Craywagen, Crerer, Crewe, Critchfield, Crocker, Croll, Cromhout, Cronje, Crooks, Crosbie, Crosby, Crosby , Cross, Crossen,
Crossman, Crouch, Crous, Crout, Crowe, Crozier, Crumplin, Crutchley, Cruywagen, Cruywagon, Culayo, Cull, Cullen, Culligan, Cullinan, Cuming, Cumming, Cummings, Cummins, Curin, Curnick, Currie, Currin, Curson, Curtis, Cusens, Cuthbert, Cuthbert , Daabbock, Dabalssie, Dach, Dacie, Daffy,
Dakin, Dalbock, Dale, Dalgetty, Dall, Dallas, Dalrymple, Daly, Daman, Damant, Damond, Dance , Danckwerts, Danes, Dangerfield, Daniel, Daniell, Daniels, Dann, Danolds, Darala, Darley, Darling, Dartnell , Daschner, Dauberman, Daubermann, Daubern, Davey, David, Davids, Davidson, Davies, Davis,
Davoren, Dawes, Dawson, Day, De  Beer, de Beer, de Beyer, de Bruin, De Fontaine, De Jean, de Klerk, De Koch, de Kock, de Koek, de Kok, De la Harpe, De la Tour, de Lange, de Plessis, De Reuck, De Villers, De villiers, De Vos, De Vries, de Wet, De Will, de Wilson, de Wit, Deake, Deakin, Deal, Dean, Deary, Deason, Decker, Deetless, Deighton, Dekeda, dekoning, Delange, Dell, Delport, Delpot,
Demmer, Dempsey, Dencks , Dendy, Denham, Dennis, Dennison, Denston, denyssen, Derman, Dersley, Deudney, Deutschmann, Deutsman, Devan, Devine, Devitt, Dew, Dewar, Dewberry, Dewey, Dewing, Dexter, Dexter , Dick, Dickason, Dickenson, Dickerson, Dickie, Dickinson, Dicks, Dickson, Diedrich, Diedrick, Diemer, Diemieniet, Diggins, Dingle, Dingwall, Diplock, Dircks, Dix, Dixon, Dobie, Doble, Docherty, Docke, Dodd, Dodge, Dodl, Dold, Dolff, Dominey, Domonoey, Don , Donald, Donaldson, Donavon, Donovan, Doran, Dorkin, Dormehl, Dormer, Dormer , Dorrington, Doss, Douglas, Douglass, Dovey, Dow, Dowell, Dower, Dowing, Downe, Downee, Downey, Downham, Downing, Doyle, Drake, Drayton,
Drecher, Dredge, Drefenbach, Dresel, Drew, Drewes, Dreyer, Dreyfus , Dreyor, Driffield, Driver, Druce, Drury, Dry, Dryden, du Plessis, du Plesssis, du Plooy, du Ponscell, du Preez, du Rand, Du Randt, du Toit, Duba, Duddridge, Duffey, Duffield, Duffy, Dugmore, Dumpleton, Dunbar, Duncan, Dundas, Dunlop, Dunn , Duplooy, Dupree, Dupreez, Durand, Durands, Durandt, Durant, Durheim, Durow, Durrheim, Durrow, Dusterhoft, Dutton, Duvenhage, Dyas, Dyer, Dyer , Dykeman, Eales, Eastes, Easton , Eaton, Ebden, Ebell , Eberhardt, Ebert , Eckard, Eckron, Econ , Eddie, Edkins, Edmonds, Edmondson, Edward, edwards, Edworthy, Edye, Eedes, Egan, Egelhof, Egetron, Eglin, Egling, Ehlers, Ehlert, Eichelbaum, Ekron, Elderkin, Eldridge, Ella, Ellias, Elliot, Elliott, Elliott , Ellis, Ellis , Eloff, Els, Else, Elston, Elton , Eltringham, Eltworthy, Elworthy, Emerich, Emerson, Emmertt, Emslie, Endres, Enerson, Engelbrecht, Engler, Enslin, Ensor, Erasmus, Erlank, Escott, Esmeyer, Esplin, Essach, Essenwein, Estment, Eva, Evans, Evans , Evatt, Everard, Everett, Everitt, Every, Ewan, Ewing, Eybers, Eyre, Facite, Fagan, Fagge, Fairbairn, Faircloth, Fairlie, Fairweather, Faix, Falati, Falck, Falkenstein, Faltein, Fanning, Farman, Farquahar, Farquhar, Farquharson, Farr, Farrant, Farre, Farrell, Farrington, Fath, Faulds, Faulkner-Wood, Fava, Fawdry, Featherstone, Fegen, Feinstein, Fenix, Fennell , Fenwick, Fergus, Ferguson, Fermor, Fernandez, Ferreira, Fetting, Few, Fewman, Fichet, Field, Field , Fielding, Fietze, Filmer, Fincham, Finke, Firnhaber, Firstbrook, Fischer, Fish, Fisher, Fitchet, Fitchett, Fittock, Fitzgerald, Fitzhenry, Fitzpatrick, Flack, Flanagan, Fleetwood, Fleming, Flemmer, Fletcher, Flint, Flowers, Flugel, Flush, Flynn, Foehr, For, Forbes, Ford, Forfar, Forman, Forrest, Forrester, Forson, Forsyth, Fort, Fortuin, Forward, Fossati, Foster, Fotheringham, Fouche, Fouchee, Fourie, Fowler, Fox , Foxcroft, Frachet,
Fradgeley, Frame, Frames, Francis, Francois, Frankish, Franklin, Franks, Franz, Fraser, Frauenstein, Fredea, Fredericks, Fredricks, Free, Freeman, Freemantle, Freer, Freitag, French, Frewen, Friedman, Friedricks, Friend, Frier, Fries, Friggins, Frith, Fritz, Froneman, Frost, Fuarie, Fuller, Fulton, Funnell, Futter, Futter , Fynn, Gabriel, Gailey, Gair, Gale, Galge, Gall, Galletly, Galloway, Gamble, Gamper, Gansler, Ganteanme, Gardiner, Gardner, Gardner , Garfinkel, Garilak , Garlake, Garlick, Garner, Garrett  , Garstin, Garven, Gaskell, Gasson , Gately , Gathercole, Gavin, Gaylard, Geach, Geall, Gebbins, Gebhardt, Gebudana, Geddes, Geddie, Geldenhuis, Geldert, Gell, Gelter, Gendall, George, Georgeson, Gerber, Germeshuis, Germishuis, Germond, Gernetzky, Gertenbach, Geyer, Gibbens, Gibberd, Gibbon, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gichard, Giddie, Giddy, Giemre, Gierecke, Giericke, Gierke, Gilbert, Giles, Gilfillan, Gill , Gillings, Giltilt, Gimingham, Girardi, Gladstone-Hawke, Gladwin, Gladwyn, Glaholm, Glaser, Glass, Gleeson, Glover, Goad, Goch , Goddard, Godden, Godfrey, Godlonton, Goetsch, Goettche, Golding, Goldschmidt, Goldsmid, Goldsmith, Goldswain, Goldwin, Goldwyn, Goliath, Gonga, Good, Goodall, Goodes, Gooding, Goodman, Goodwin, Goold, Goosen, Gooses, Gordon, Gorham, Gorman, Goss, Gotto, Gottsch, Gotze, Goulden, Goulden , Gourlie, Gourlock , Gouss, Gouws, Govindasamy, Gowans, Gowar, Gower, Gradwell, Graetz, Graff, Graham, Grandin, Grant, Gratz, Gravett, Gray, Greaves, Greef, Greeff, Green, Greenfield, Greenland, Greenwood, Greer, Greeves, Gregg, Gregg , Gregory, Greig, Greig , Greling, Grenfell, Grevenstein, Grey, Greyling, Greyvenstein, Greyvensteyn, Gribble, Grieb, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths , Griffor, Grinsell, Grobbelaar, Grobbler, Groblaar, Grobler, Groch, Grocott, Grodzinski, Grodzinsky, Grogan, Groom, Grosskopf, Grotjohn, Grout, Grove, Growdon, Grubb, Grun, Grundlingh, Grunewald, Grunow, Gryvensteyn, Gudmanz, Guilliam, Gullan, Gumbert, Guminke, Gunn, Gunning, Gunthorpe, Gur, Gurr, Gusafson, Gush, Guthrie, Gutsche, Gutterell, Guymer, Gwengula, Gwynne, Haarhoff, Hack, Hacke, Hackett, Hacking, Hadaway, Haddon, Hadlow, Haffagee, Hagan, Hagelthorn, Hagemann, Hager, Hagerman, Hagermann, Hahn, Haiden, Haigh, Haine, Hains, Hainsworth, Haird, Halbert, Halbig, Halcrow, Hald, Haldorsen , Halgreen, Halke, Hall, Hallett, Halley,
Halliday, Halligan, Hallsall, Hallward, Halm, Halse, Halsted , Halt, Hamann, Hambley, Hambly,
Hamburg, Hamies, Hamilton, Hammerland, Hammond, Hamoer, Hampson, Hancock, Hand, Handley, Hands,
Hankin, Hanlow, Hannaford, Hannibal, Hannie, Hanns, Hanosworth, Hansen, Hantahan, Hapelt, Harber,
Hardie, Harding, Hardman, Hards, Hardwick, Hardy, Harebottle, Hargraves, Hargreaves, Harley,
Harmer, Harmuth, Harper, Harrald, Harriett, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Harry, Hart, Hartell,
Hartigan, Hartley , Hartsenberg, Hartslief, Hartwanger, Hartwig, Harty, Hartz, Hartzenburg, Harvey
, Haselau, Hasenjaeger, Haskins, Hastings, Hatting, Hattingh, Hauser, Havernick, Haw, Hawes, Hawke,
Hawkins, Hawkyard, Hay, Hayes, Haynes, Hayter, Haywood, Heard, Hearle , Hearmon, Hearns, Heart,
Heath, Heathcote, Heaton, Hechter, Hedding, Heddomg, Heddwick, Hedtor, Heerden, Hefer, Hefford,
Heggie, Heidtman, Hein, Heinen, Heinrich, Helford, Hempel, Hempsel, Hemrie, Henchier, Henchman,
Henderson, Hendrik, Hendrikz, Hendry, Henley, Henning, Hennings, Henrico, Henry, Hensburg, Henwood,
Hepburn, Hepworth, Herbert, Herbst, Herman, Hermann, Hermanson, Hermanus, Herschel, Herselman,
Hesse, Hessel, Hessenhauer, Hewat, Hewitson, Hewitt, Hewson, Hewtson, Heydenrich, Heyward, Heywood,
Hibberd, Hibbins, Hickman, Hicks, Higgins, Higgs , Hilbert, Hildebrand, Hildebrandt, Hildyard,
Hill, Hill , Hillary-Preston, Hillhouse, Hillier, Hillyard, Hilpert, Hilson, Hind, Hindes, Hindle,
Hinds, Hinings, Hinkel, Hinsburg, Hinson, Hinson  , Hiron, Hiscock, Hitchock, Ho Kow, Hoar, Hoare,
Hobbes, Hobbs, Hobson, Hockey, Hockley, Hockly , Hodges, Hodgetts, Hodgkinson, Hodgson, Hodgson ,
Hoepner, Hofart, Hofat, Hoffman, Hoffmann, Hogg, Hogsett, Hohmann, Holden, Holder, Holdstock,
Holdsworth, Holey, Holford, Holl, Hollamby, Holland, Holliday, Hollis, Holloway, Holm, Holman,
Holmes, Holt, Holtermuller, Holzer, Homan, Homann, Homes, Honey, Hood, Hookham, Hoole, Hooper,
Hope, Hopf, Hopkins, Hopley, Horesham, Horn, Hornby, Horne, Horning, Hornsby, Horrman, Horwitz ,
Hotson, Hough, Houghton, Houlton, Housten, Howard, Howarth, Howe , Howell, Howitt, Howlett, Howse,
Hoy, Hoyle, Hubbard, Huber, Huddy, Hudson, Huggins, Hughes, Hughes , Hugo, Hulbert, Hull, Hulley,
Hulse, Human, Humphrey, Humphreys, Humphries, Hunt, Hunter, Hunter , Hurford, Hurley, Hurn, Hurst,
Hurworth, Husband, Hutchens, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Hutchons, Hutt, Hutton, Hyde, Idman, Iles,
Immelman, Impey, Inglis, Ingoll, Inions, Innes, Ireland, Irvine, Isaac, Isaacson, Ischaia,
Isenberg, Ismail, Isted, Iverson, Iveson, Ivings, Jack, Jackson, Jacob, Jacobs, Jacobsohn,
Jacobson, Jacoby, Jaffer, Jagers, Jakins, Jakins , James, Jameson, Jamieson, Jamison, Jansen,
Janssen, Jantjes, Jardine, Jarman, Jarvis, Javanitzke, Jay, Jay , Jeary, Jeeves, Jeffares, Jeffares
, Jekels, Jelley, Jellicorse, Jelliman, Jenkins, Jennings, Jenton , Jermyn, Jesson, Jessup, Jewitt,
Jochelson, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Johnstone, Jolly, Jolobe, Jones, Jonker, Jonkers, Jonson,
Jood, Jordaan, Jordan, Jorgensen, Jorgenson, Joseph, Josling, Joubert, Jove, Joyce, Judge,
Jungheinrich, Jureidini, Juta, Kaffel, Kahler, Kalweit, Kama, Kanley, Kanyiwe, Karanage, Karshagen,
Kaschula, Kashula, Kashulla, Kastron, Kateley, Kauffman, Kaufmann, Kavanagh, Kay, Kayat, Kayne,
Kayser, Keam, Kearney, Kearns, Kedian, Kedsan, Keel, Keen, Keeney, Keevey, Keevy, Keightley,
Keightly, Keitzmer, Kelland, Kellman, Kelly, Kemlo, Kemp, Kenmuir , Kennedy, Kennelly , Kenny,
Kenyon, Kerr, Kerry, Kershen, Kerwin, Ketani, Keth, Ketles, Kettles, Kew, Kewon, Key, Keys, Keyter,
Khoury, Kichner, Kidd, Kidson, Kidwell, Kieck, Kiefer, Kiel, Kiessig, Kietzman, Kietzmann,
Kilbride, Kilfoil, Kilgour, Kiloh, Kilpatrick, Kimber, Kincheaton, Kindness, Kinfour, King,
Kingsley, Kingson, Kingston, Kinnear, Kinnell, Kirby, Kirchner, Kirchoff, Kirk, Kirkland, Kirsten,
Kirton, Kitchen, Kitching, Kitto, Klackers, Kleber, Klein, Kleinhans, Kleinhaus, Kleinstein, Klemp,
Klette, Kleynhans, Klinckenstein, Klingberg, Kloe, Klopper, Kloppert, Klose, Klug, Kluth, Knibbs,
Knickelbein, Knight, Knight , Knighton, Knobel, Knoetze, Knorr, Knott, Knowler, Knutsen, Kobbe,
Kobus, Koch, Kock, Kockjoy, Kockott, Koekemoer, Koenig, Koevort, Kok, Kokot, Kolbie, Konigk,
Koroschetz, Kosviner, Kotze, Kramer, Kreitchman, Krengel, Kretschmer, Kretzmann, Kriedeman,
Kriedemann, Kriel, Kringer, Kritzinger, Krog, Krohn, Kropf, Kropff, Kroukamp, Krug, Krugel, kruger,
Kruger , Krull, Kruuse, Krynauw, Kuchler, Kuhn, Kuhne, Kumm, Kurts, Kurtz, Kuse, Kutta, Kutz,
Kuzani, Kuzways, La Riviere, laaks, Labuscagnie, Labuschagne, Labuschagnie, Labuschange, Ladson,
Laftus, Laidlow, Laing, Laird, Lake, Lamb, Lambart, Lambert, Lambinon, Lamling, Lamont, Lamthim,
Lance, Lanchester, Land, Landau, Landman, Landmann, Landrey, Lane, Lang, Langa, Langalasembo,
Lange, Langeler, Langfield, Langley, Langton, Largue, Larter, Lasberry, Lategan, Lattegan,
Laubscher, Laud, Laurens, Lautenbach, Lavender, Laverack, Lavin, Lawler, Lawlor, Lawrence, Laws,
Lazarus, le Grange, le Roux, Le Whitten, Leach, Lear, Leary, Lederle, Ledger, Ledingham, Lee, Lee
Kiem, Leech, Leeman, Leeson, Leetion, Legrange, Lehmann, Leibach, Leigh, Leighton, Lemmer, Lemue,
Lennard, Lennon, Lennox, Leon, Leonard, Lepew, Leppan, Leppert, Leroux, Leslie, Lessing, Lester,
Leverenz, Levers, Leversage, Levings, Levinson, Leviton, Levy, Lewin, Lewis, Lexton, Leyton,
Lichtenstein, Liddle, Liebach, Liefeldt, Liesching, Liesenburg, Light, Liliefield, Lilly, Lima,
Lindeman, Lindhorst, Lindros, Lindsay, Lingwood, Linnow, Linstrom, Lipke, Lipschitz, Liss,
Littleford, Liversage, Livingstone, Llewellyn, Lloyd, Lloyds , Lock, Locke, Loder, Loest, Logan,
Logos, Loker, Lokwe, Lombard, Londt, Long, Longbottom, Longmore, Loots, Loppnow, Lorch, Lord,
Lostrom, Lothian, Lotter, Lottering, Lotz, Loubser, Louw, Love, Lovemore, Lovering, Lovett, Low,
Lowe, Lowitscky, Lownds, Lowry, Lowson , Loxton, Lubbe, Lucas, Luck, Luckhoff, Ludgert, Ludwig,
Luke, Lukoff, Lumley, Lumsden, Lunan, Lund, Lunderstedt, Lupke, Lupppoow, Lutge, Luttke, Luyke,
Lynch, Lyne, Lyon, Lyons, Maags, Maartens, Maartins, Maasdorp, Mabija, MacAllister, MacDaniels,
Macdonald, Mace, Macerry, Macfadyen, MacIntosh, Mack, Mackay, Mackenzie, Mackley, Mackney,
Maclachlan, Maclaghlan, Maclean, Maclennan, Macleod, Maclure, Macnair, Macnamara, Macqueen,
Macready, Mactaggart, Macuer, Maddocks, Mager , Magill, Magson, Maher, Main, Maine, Mair, Maitland,
Maker, Makulem, Malan, Malcas, Malcolmson, Malcomess, Malherbe, Malin, Mallett, Mallett , Malongus,
Mama, Maner, Manivan, Manley, Mann, Manning, Mansfield, Mansley, Manthe, Mapham, Maqubela, Marais,
Marchand, Marcus, Mardo, Mare, Maree, Marias, Marillier, Maritz, Markolta, Marks, Markus,
Marlinghaus, Maroon, Marquet, Marr, Marren, Marriott, Marsberg, Marsburg, Marsden, Marsh, Marsh ,
Marshall, Martienssen, Martin, Martinelly, Martyn, Marx, Masakowitz, Mason, Mass, Massey, Masters,
Masterson, Matham, Mather, Mathias, Mathieson, Matthews, Mattheys, Mattig, Mattusheck, Matz,
Matzke, Mauer, Maullin, Maur, Maurer, Maxwell, May, Mayberry, mayer, Maynard, Maynier, Maytham ,
Maytom, Mazetra, Maziko, Mc Alister, Mc Calgan, Mc Clure, Mc Daniel, Mc Lean, McAlister, McAllan,
McAllister, McArthur, McAuley, McBain, McBeath, McBride, McCallum, McCarlse, McCarter, McCarthy,
McClean, McClement, McClenaghan, McComb, McCoomb, McCormick, McCrossin, McCullock, McCune,
McDaniel, McDonald, McDowell, McEvay, McEwan, McFalane, McFarlane, McGaffin, McGahan, McGanley,
McGeary, McGill, McGrath, McGregor, McIllmurray, McIntosh , McIntyre, McIvor, McJannet , McKay,
McKechnie , McKendrick, McKenzie, McKnee, McLachlan, McLaren, McLaughlin, McLean, McLellan,
McLennan, McLeod, McLoughlin, McMaster, McMillan, McNamara, McNeilage, McPherson, McTaggart,
McWinnie, Mdo, Mdudu, Mead, Meade, Meaker, Medefindt, Medway, Meeding, Meier, Meintjes, Meintjies,
Meiring, Meise, Melliar, Melvill, Melville, Mencervile, Mendelski, Menne, Meredith, Meset,
Messenger, Meth, Mettrick, Mey, Meyburgh, Meyer, Mggolozana, Michael , Michaud , Michley,
Micklefield, Micleay, Middelthon, Middelton, Middlemaat, Middleton, Middlewick, Midget, Midgley,
Mijburgh, Mijnhard, Mildenhall, Mildred, Miles, Millar, Milledge, Miller, Miller , Millford,
Millman, Millne, Mills, Milne, Milne , Milton, Minde, Minninghaus, Minshall, Minter, Misken, Miss,
Mitchell, Mitchley, Mivin, Mjuzatrass, Mocroft, Moeller, Moffat, Moffatt, Moir, Moister, Molan,
Moldenhauer, Moll, Moloney, Molton, Mona, Moncur, Monginoux, Monk, Monnie, Montague, Montgomery,
Moody, Moolman, Moon, Moorcroft, Moore , Moorehouse, Moose, Moothien, Moran, Moreland, Morgan,
Morgan , Morgenroth, Moriarty, Morison , Morley, Morrell, Morris, Morris , Morrison, Morrow,
Morsley, Morten, Mortenssen, Morton, Morum , Moscley, Moscos, Mosenthal , Moser, Moses, Moss, Moss
, Mosser, Mostert, Moszeik, Mot, Motley, Mountfort, Mountjoy, Mpalala, Mpiliso, Msutwana, Mtombeni,
Mtshemba, Muir, Muller, Muller , Mulligan, Mullin, Mullins, Munber, Mundell, Munn, Munro, Munroe,
Munscheid, Murphy, Murray, Murray , Murton, Musgrave, Mustard, Mustin, Muzzell, Myburg, Myburgh,
Myer, Myers, Myers  , Myoli, Nadasen, Nagel, Naginton, Nakin, Nanekirk, Nangle, Napier, Narnberg,
Nash, Nass, Natasen, Naude, Naylor, Neale, Neary, Neave, Nebelung, Neilson, Nel, Nell, Nelson,
Nenner, Nepgen, Nero, Nettleton, Neumann, Neumeyer, Neupwr, Nevill, Newcombe, Newell, Newey,
Newing, Newman, Newman, Newnham, Newon, Newton, Nggisha, Ngqzana, Nichol, Nicholas, Nicholls,
Nichols, Nicholson, Nickol, Nicol, Niekerk, Nielsen, Nielson, Niemantinga, Nienaber, Nienebar,
Nieuwenhuis, Nieuwfeldt, Nieuwveldt, Nightingale, Niland, Ninal, Ninow, Nisbet, Nitschke, Noach,
Noarch, Nolan, Nomlee , Noppe, Norden, Norman, Norris, North, Northcott, Northcroft, Nortje,
Norton, Norton , Norwood, Nourse, Nowell, Nppe, Nthan, Nucherpfennig, Nugent, Nuttall, Oakeshott,
Oakley, Oates, Oberein, Obreham, O’Brien, O’Connell, O’Connor, Odenaal, Odendaal, Odendal,
O’Donoghue, Oelfse, Oelofse, Oelschig, Offer, O’Gara, Ogilvie, Ogle, O’Grady, O’Halloran, O’Hara,
O’Hare, Olander, Old, Oldendaal, Oldham, O’Leary, Oliver, Olivier, Ollis, Ollson, Onions,
Ooshuysen, Oosthuisem, Oosthuisen, Oosthuizen, Oosthuysen, Openshaw, Opperman, Oram, Ordemann,
Orman, Orpen, Orsmond, Osborne, Osmond, Osner, Oswald, Outhwaite, Ovens, Owen, Owens, Page, Paget,
Pahl, Paice, Pain, Paine, Painter, Paley, Palmer, Palmer, Pamla, Pankhurst, Pansegrouw,
Papadopooley, Pape, Papu, Park, Parker, Parkhurst, Parkin, Parr, Parsons, Parsonson, Passey,
Passmore, Pate, Patel, Paterson , Paton, Patrick, Patterson, Pattle, Paul, Paulsen, Pautz, Pavier,
Payn, Payne, Paynter, Peachey, Peacock , Peacocke, Pearce, Pearse, Pearson, Pearton, Pease,
Peasley, Peden, Pedersen, Pedlar, Peel, Peffer, Peinke, Pelser, Pemberton, Penhaligon, Penn,
Pennells, Pennels, Penny, Penscuch, Pepler, Percival, Pereira, Perks, Perrin, Perry, Peter, Peters,
Peters, Petersen, Peterson, Petre, Petrie, Pettey, Petzer, Peverett, Peveritt, Peyeredus, Peyper,
Phillips, Phillipson, Philpott, Phue, Piater, Pickersgill, Pidcock, Piehl, Piek, Pienaar, Pierson,
Pieterse, Pietersen, Pike, Pinkerton, Pinkie, Pitman, Piton, Pitt, Pivnic, Plaatje, Place, Playman,
Pletschke, Ploetz, Plummer, Plymen, Pockley, Pocock, Pohl, Pohlmann, Polmear, Pool, Poole, Pope,
Popkins, Poppleston, Porter, Poseman, Posthumus, Pote, Potgieter, Pothas, Potrus, Potter,
Potterson, Pottinger, Pound, Powell, Power, Powers, Poyer, Pratt, Preddy, Preez, Presslie, Presto,
Preston, Pretorius, Pretoruis, Prew, Price, Priest, Pringele, Pringle, Prinsloo, Prior, Pritzkow,
Probert, Proctoe, Prosser, Prout, Prowse, Puchart, Puchert, Puchonik, Pudney, Pullen, Punnuck,
Purcell, Purdon, Purvis, Pusey, Putter, Puttergill, Putzier, Quarterman, Quate, Querney, Quertano,
Quick, Quickelburg, Quin, Quinn, Quirk, Rabie, Race, Rademeyer, Radford, Radloff, Raffles, Rahn,
Railton, Rait, Ralph, Rampery, Rampt, Ramsay, Ramsey, Ramsing, Rance, Randall, Ranger, Rankin,
Ransom, Rapperport, Rasmussen, Rau, Raubenheimer, Raubenhimer, Rautenbach, Rawlings, Ray, Rayment,
Rayner, Raynor, Reabow, Read, Redling, Redlinghuis, Reece, Reed, Reeders, Reedes, Rees, Refendt,
Rehbock, Reibo, Reid, Reilly, Reimens, Reimer, Rein, Reinke, Rennie, Rens, Rensburg, Restall,
Resticaux , Retief, Rex, Reynard, Reynders, Reyndwers, Reynolds, Rheeders, Rhodes, Richards,
Richardson, Richer, Riches, Richmond, Richter, Ricketts, Rickman, Ricono, Riddle, Ridgard, Ridge,
Riedel, Riekert, Ries, Rietley, Rigg, Rinnie, Riseley, Rissling, Ristow, Ritchie, Rittenberg, Rive,
Rivers, Rix, Roach, Robb, Robberts, Robert, Roberts, Robertse, Robertson, Robey, Robins, Robinson,
Robison, Robson, Roche, Rochelle , Rode, Roeberg, Roebert, Roeberts, Roelofse, Roelotse, Roemer,
Roesch, Roets, Rogers, Roji, Ronaldson, Roodt, Rooke, Roose, Rorick, Rose, Rose-Innes, Roselt,
Rosenberg, Rosenthal, Roskelly, Ross , Rossiter, Rossouw, Rostance, Rostoll, Roth, Rothmann,
Roulston, Roult, Rousch, Roux, Rowland, Rowles, Rowley, Rowlinson, Roy, Rubensohn, Rubenstein,
Rubidge, Rubovitz, Rubridge, Ruddle, Rudin, Rudolph, Rudyers, Ruffer, Rugg, Ruhruman, Rusch,
Rushton, Russell, Rust, Rustenberg, Rutter, Rutters, Ruyters, Ryan, Ryneveld, Saaiman, Saayman,
Sachas, Sadler, Sage, Saltmarsh, Salzwedel, Sampson, Samuel, Sand, Sandburg, Sanders, Sanderson,
Sandilli, Sandwith, Sangerhaus, Sangiolo, Sangiolo , Sansom, Sapling, Sardin, Sargent, Sargent ,
Sauer, Saunders, Savage, Savage , Savill, Savory, Sawyer, Scaife, Scengarum, Schade, Schaeder,
Schaefer, Schaefiner, Schaetler, Schafle, Schalkwyk, Schaup, Scheepers, Schenk, Schentke,
Scheppers, Schepperson, Schetkor, Schiff, Schimmel, Schlemmer, Schlentrich, Schlishmann, Schmidt,
Schmit, Schmitt, Schneider, Schoeman, Schoembie, Scholefield, Scholey, Scholtz, Schonknecht,
Schooling, Schoombee, Schott, Schraader, Schreiber, Schriber, Schrodie, Schroeder, Schuitenmaker,
Schulma, Schulpfort, Schultz, Schulze, Schumann, Schutte, Schwartz, Schwartz , Schwarz,
Schweppenhauser, Schwitzer, Schwuist, Schwulst, Scipio, Scmidt, Scott, Scrooby, Scrymgour,
Seabrook, Seale, Searle, Seber, Seeger, Sefton, Seiderer, Seidler, Seiler, Selby, Seligman, Sellar,
Sellers, Selley, Selwyn, Sephton, Sergeant, Sergel, Servontein, Seward, Seward , Seymour,
Shackleton, Shaks, Shand, Shanks, Shapshall, Sharer, Sharples, Shaw, Shaw , Shea, Sheard, Shearer,
Sheldrake, Shelton, Shelver, Shepherd, Shepherson, Shepperd, Sheridan, Sherman, Sherry, Shone,
Shooter, Short, Shorten, Shortt, Shrosbery, Shuttleworth, Sibeen, Sichelsmidt, Sida, Sidel,
Siebert, Sills, Simlei, Simleit, Simmoas, Simms, Simon, Simonds, Simons, Simpkins, Simpson, Sims,
Sinclair, Singson , Sinxo, Sissing, Sissons, Sjoberg, Skidmore, Skinner, Skopalick, Skowronek,
Slater, Slement, slingsby, Slinsby, Sliver, Sloley, Slowgrove, Smale, Smale , Small, Smallberger,
Smallburn, Smallman, Smart, Smethwick, Smidt, Smit, Smith, Smith , Smithdorf, Smithen, Smithsen,
Smyth, Snell, Snelling, Snettler, Snodgrass, Snook, Snyder, Snyman, Snymann, Soal, Sobey, Socksen,
Soddin, Soderblaum, Soga, Sogiba, Soll, Solomon, Somaza, Sommerfield, Sommerville, Sonnenbergen,
Sonning, Soper, Sorton, Souter, Southern, Southey, Sowarsby, Spalding, Spandow, Sparg, Spargo,
Sparkes, Sparks, Spence, Spence , Spenceley, Spencer, Spies, Spiros, Spradbury, Spragg, Sprenger,
Sprigg, Spring, Springett, St.Clair, Staats, Stacey, Stack, Staffen, Stafford, Stager, Stanford,
Stanley, Stanton, Stapelberg, Staplefelt, Staples, Stapleveldt, Stark, Starke, Starkey, Stassin,
Stead, Steadman, Stedworthy, Steel, Steenekamp, Steenkamp, Steer , Steffens, Steinhofel,
Steinhofle, Steinman, Stenekamp, Stenlake, Stenson, Stent, Stephen, Stephens, Stephenson, Sterlaw,
Sterley, Stern, Sternberg, Steven, Stevens, Stevenson, Stevenson , Steward, Stewart, Stewart ,
Stewarts , Steyn, Stickells, Stillwill, Stilwell, Stirling, Stirton, Stock, Stocks, Stodart,
Stoddart, Stoffels, Stokes, Stokoe, Stoltz, Stolz, Stone, Stork, Storrier, Stotter, Stow, Stowman,
Strachan, Strassburg, Stratford, Strathern, Strattis, Stratton, Strattre, Straw, Street, Stretton,
Stride, Strugnell, Strunck, Struthers, Strydom, Stuart, Stubbs, Studd, Stumbles, Stuparich,
Sturgeon, Sturgiss, Sullivan, Summer, Summerton, Sumner, Sunshine, Sutherland, Sutton, Swan,
Swanepoel, Swart, Swartz, Sweeny, Sweetnam, Sydserf, Sykes, Symons, Taber, Taberer, Tabur, Tainton,
Tait, Tancred, Tannock, Taplin, Tapson, Tarpin, Tarr, Tarsus, Tasker, Tate, Tattersall, Tauber,
Taylor , tebbs, Temlett, Templar, Tennant, Terach, Terblans, Terburgh, Tertis, Terwin, Tessendorf,
Tessendorff, Tessling, Tessmer, Thachwray, Thacker, Thackwray, Thanasie, Tharatt, Tharratt, Thaw,
Theobald, Theron, Thewlis, Thiel, Thiele, Thierbach, Thies, Thomas, Thomasse, Thompson, Thomson,
Thorm, Thornhill, Thornton, Throup, Thurgood, Thysse, Tickle, Tidbury, Tiddy , Tidie, Tiedt,
Tiefenbach, Till, Tillemans, Tilliard, Tillie, Tiltman, Timlett, Timms, Tincknell, Tindale, Tivers,
Tobias, Todd, Tofte, Tome, Tomlinson, Tonborg, Tooke, Toothill, Torley, Torr, Torrance, Towers,
Townsend, Tranmere, Tranner, Trantom, Travers, Treadway, Tree, Tregoning, Tremain, Trembling,
Tremweth, Trennery, Trerise, Treverrow, Tribeck, Trilling, Tripp, Trollip, Troskie, Trott, Troup,
Trower, Trueman, Truter, Tubb, Tuchtefeld, Tuckwood, Tudhope, Tuff, Tug, Tungson, Turburgh,
Turkington, Turnbull, Turner, Turnley, Turpin, Turton, Turvey, Tweedie, Twigg, Tyali, Tyler,
Tytheridge, Uithart, Underwood, Unsworth, Untuiidt, Unwin, Upton, Urry, Usher, Valbrecht, Vale,
Valentine, Valgoi, Valtein, van Aardt, Van Altenar, van Altina, Van Antwerp, Van Assyegan, Van
Aswagen, van Biljoen, Van Biljon, Van Coller, Van de Vyver, van de Walt, van den Heever, Van Der
Berg, Van der Decken, Van Der Deeken, van der Heever, van der Heyde, van der Hoven, Van der Linden,
Van der Merve, van der Merwe, Van der Meulen, van der Nest, Van Der Reit, Van der Sandt, van der
Venter, Van der Vijver, van der Vyver, van der Walt, van der Westhuisen, Van der Westhuizen, van
Deventer, Van Dyk, van Eyck, Van Graan, Van Gruting, van Heerden, Van Hensden, Van Herden, van
Jaarsveld, van Niekerk, van Nieuwenhuizen, Van Onselen, van Pletzen, Van Pletzer, Van Quickelberg,
Van Quickelberge, van Rensburg, van Rooijen, Van Rooy, Van Rooyan, Van Rooyen, Van Royen, Van
Scharred , van Schlemmer, van Sittert , Van Staaden, Van Staden, van Straaten, van Tonder, Van
Venter, van Vuuren, van Wijk, van Wyk, van Wyv, Van Zijl, van Zyl, Vanantwerp, Vanhuisteen, Vanson,
Vanwyk, Vassen , Vaughan, Vaughn, Vazi, Veary, Veater, Veerasam, Ven der Merve, Vena, Venables,
Vencatchallan, Venn, Venske, Venter, Verity, Vermaak, Vermooten, Verner, Verran, Vice, Vickers,
Vickers , Victor, Vide, Viljoen, Vincent, Visagie, Vlok, Vockroedt, Vogan, Vogel, Vogts, Volker,
Von Broembsen, Von der Meden, Von Langenschwarz, Von Meyer, Von Zyl, Vorster, Vos, Vosloo, Vyver,
Waagner, Waberski, Waddell, Waddleton, Wade, Wadley, Wagenaar, Wagener, Wagner, Wahl, Wahlburn,
Wailder, Wainstein, Wainwright, Wakefield, Wakeford, Waldeck, Walden, Walker, Wall, Wallace,
Waller, Walsh, Walter, Walters, Waltzburger, Wampach, Wanchope, Wannenberg, Ward, Wardle, Wardley, Wardrop, Ware, Warley, Warne, Warneke, Warner, Warren, Wastall, Watcham, Waterfall, Watermeyer, Wathall, Watkins, Watkinson, Watson, Watt, Watts, Wax, Wayland, Weakly, Weatherhead, Weaver, Webb,  Webb , Webber, Weber , Webster , Wedderburn, Wedge, Weedon, Weeks, Wegener, Wegner, Wehle , Weile, Weiman, Weimann, Weir , Weirich, Weis, Weiss, Welbeloved, Welch, Welford , Welgemoed, Weller, Wellmann, Wells, Welsh, Wenson , Wentsler, Wentzel, Wenzel, Wepener, Weppelmann, Werdmuller, Werndle , Werner, Wesche, Weson, Wessel, Wessels, West, Westerberg, Westley, Westman, Westmoreland, Westphal, Westwood, Wetherhead, Wewege, Weyer, Wheeldon, Wheeler, Whelan, Whillier, Whindus, Whingham, Whitaker , White, Whitecross, Whitehead, Whitehorn, Whiteley, Whiter, Whitfield, Whiting, Whitley , Whittaker, Whittal, Whittington, Whittle, Whitworth, Whyte, Wicks, Widdicombe, Wiegardt, Wienand, Wier, Wiggill, Wiggins, Wilbraham, Wilcox, Wild, Wilde, Wilkens, Wilkie, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilks, Will, Willemse, Willetts, Willhelm, Williams, Williamson, Willies, Willis, Willmer, Willmers, Willmore, Willows, Wills , Wilmet, Wilsenach, Wilson , Wiltshire, Windvogel, Wingham, Winglee , Wingsin, Wingson, Wink, Winkelmann, Winkwart, Winstone, Winter, Wise, Wiseman,Wislon, Wite, Wither, Witherden, Wittstock, Woest, Wolf, Wolpert , Wolstenholme, Wong , Wood ,Woodford, Woodgate, Woods, Woodward, Woolf, Woolley, Wormald, Worrall, Worringham, Worsely, Worsley, Worthington, Wostenholm, Wostenholme, Wrathall, Wreford, Wretham, Wright, Wurm, Wyatt, Wylde, Wyllie, Wynne, Wyse, Yankee, Yates, Yates , Yellen, Yesoon , Yorke, Young, Zampetros,
Zastrow, Zehmke, Zeitsman, Zeller, Zenker, Zerbie, Ziegler, Ziehl, Ziel, Ziemann, Zimmermann,

1878 Voter's List

May 26, 2010

The 1878 Voters list is is unmistakably the largest electronic database of male inhabitants of the Cape in the 19th Century. This database contains some 40 000 names as well as places of abode and in some major cities occupations are given as well.

By using this database you will be able to determine where you ancestors lived as well as indentifying other possible family members who reside in the vicinity.

Information covers the Western Cape including:  Cape Town District, Green Point, Southern Suburbs, Paarl, Stellenbosch, Worcester, Malmesbury, Piquetberg, Namaqualand, Clanwilliam, Swellendam, Caledon, Riversdale, Oudsthoorn and George.

The Eastern Cape section covers Albany, Albert, Aliwal North, Beaufort, Colesburg, Craddock, East London, Fort Beaufort, Graaff-Reniet, Graham’s Town, King Williams Town, Port Elizabeth, Queen’s Town, Richmond, Somerset East, Uitenhage, Victoria West, Victoria East + Wodehouse.

More information can be read in our Learning Centre on Voting Information in South Africa 1853 – 1970

A product version of this database can be purchased through our online  shop.

Sir Richard Southey

June 23, 2009
Sir Richard Southey
Sir Richard Southey

Born in Culmstock, Devonshire, England on 25th April 1808 and died in Southfield, Plumstead in the Cape on 22nd July 1901. Cape civil servant and politician was the second of the four sons of George Southey (born 1777) and his wife Joan Baker (born 1782). He was educated at a grammar-school in Devon, and in 1820 he left Gravesend for the Cape Colony in the Hennersley Castle, one of a party of forty-nine British Settlers from Somersetshire headed by his father.

Having landed at Algoa Bay in May 1820, the family settled on a farm near Round Hill on a branch of the Kowie River between Bathurst and Grahamstown. In 1824 Richard went to Grahamstown as a clerk to the merchants Heugh and Fleming but, tiring of this dull life, he determined to seek adventure in the interior. First, in 1828, he volunteered with others to man the military outposts on the frontier while the regular troops were on special service in Kaffraria, and was stationed at Fort Beaufort. The next year he was off on a hunting expedition into Pondoland and Bomvanaland but, finding this less profitable than he had envisaged, decided to settle as a farmer in the eastern districts. This he did at first on the family farm near Trompetter’s Drift, and then, after a short spell of speculating in stock with Grahamstown as his base, on the farm Kap River, which he and his brothers had bought and where he stayed until the outbreak of the Sixth Frontier War in December 1834.

He immediately organized a volunteer force of farmers, and took a very active part in the war. First he was a lieutenant of the Albany mounted sharp-shooters; then, early in 1835, he became commander of Colonel Harry Smith’s guide corps. It was while this corps was guarding the Xhosa paramount chief, Hintsa, that Hintsa was shot on 12th May 1835 by one of Richard’s younger brothers, George Southey (born 1810, died 7th November 1867), a lieutenant in the corps. At the end of the war Richard was appointed resident agent and justice of the peace to the amaNdlambe at Mount Coke, serving in this capacity until the reversal of Sir Benjamin D’Urban’s frontier settlement and the abolition of this office in 1836.

Having lost a great deal in livestock and other property, the Southeys decided to move from the frontier to the inland division of Graaff-Reinet. Here, for ten years, Southey concentrated on his private affairs. In 1843 he went into partnership with William Shaw, and stocked the farms Klipgat, Modderfontein and Knoffelhoek with horses, cattle and sheep. While Shaw acted as manager of the business, Richard was left free to practise as a law agent in Graaff-Reinet.

When Sir Harry Smith returned to the Cape as Governor and High Commisioner in 1847, he remembered Sothey’s earlier service and, appreciating his knowledge of frontier affairs, offered Richard the post of private secretary, an office which he held till 1849. Thus he accompanied Smith on his reconnaissance of the interior early in 1848, met the Boer deputation led by A. W. J. Pretorius, was present when Smith proclaimed British sovereignty over the Transorangia in February 1848, and was present at the battle of Boomplaats in August.

Richard did not leave the Sovereignty with Smith, for he had been appointed president of the war-tribute commission, which investigated cases of men who had been engaged in the recent rebellion. The extremely difficult task of investigating and levying fines throughout the Sovereignty Southey performed with tact and conciliatory success. He remained in Bloemfontein until Major H. D. Warden had been re-installed as British resident and continued as commissioner until his duties were transferred to the Governor’s private secretary in 1849. Apart from his active role in dealing with Moshweshwe and the affairs of the Basuto border, Southey played a vigorous part in the latter months of 1848, countering by all means possible a recrudescence of the influence and activity of Pretorius and his supporters south of the Vaal River. Southey also took the opportunity of meeting A. H. Potgieter, Pretorius’s political rival in the territory beyond the Vaal, at Potchefstroom, and found Potgieter ready to discredit Pretorius, and willing to allow British authority to be re-asserted in the Sovereignty. Very deftly Southey succeeded in persuading the leaders of the Over-Vaal, who were still officially regarded in Cape Town and London as British subjects, to accept assurances of non-intervention in the affairs of the Over-Vaal in return for abstention from attempts to exert political pressure within the Sovereignty.

He returned to the Cape Colony in January 1849. At the end of 1849 he was appointed civil commissioner and resident magistrate of Swellendam. But the Eighth Frontier War broke out and he was called upon to perform many special duties, including the enrolment of Natives to serve in the war, and acting for the commissariat department. In April 1852 he was asked to act as secretary to the government during the leave of absence of John Montagu, and, apart from a brief interruption, he held this post until May 1854. It was in January 1853 that the Lieutenant-Governor, Sir Charles Darling, suspended Southey from office on the grounds that he had connived at the irregular dispatch of executive minutes. The Auditor-General, William Hope, succeeded Southey. It was typical of Southey’s character that he did not let the matter rest there. He sailed for England, where he appealed to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, the Duke of Newcastle, who ordered his reinstatement. Meanwhile, in November 1853, Montagu had died, and the now permanent vacancy was filled by Rawson W. Rawson, formerly Treasurer and Paymaster-General of Mauritius.

After again serving a short term as civil commissioner and resident magistrate of Swellendam from May 1854 to February 1855, Southey was appointed secretary to the Lieutenant-Governor in Grahamstown (March 1855). When the Auditor-General, Hope, died in 1858, Southey was appointed by Sir George Grey, and acted in this capacity between January and April 1859. However, a quarrel between the Governor and the Colonial Secretary, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, on the question of official patronage, resulted in the appointment of E. M. Cole to the auditor-general-ship, and Southey returned to his post as secretary to the Lieutenant-Governor. By this time his wide and varied experience of colonial affairs, the public regard for him, and his ability and efficiency had clearly destined him for permanent office in the central administration. When, in August 1860, Rawson went on leave, Southey again acted as Colonial Secretary and made clear his opposition to the quick introduction of responsible government. His first budget speech, in 1861, showed financial acumen. Thus, when the Treasurer-General, Harry Rivers, died in 1861, Southey was recommended to succeed him and was appointed to this office in January 1862. As a member of the executive government he was so efficient that, on the retirement of Rawson in July 1864, Southey was appointed Colonial Secretary, an office which he held until December 1872, when the Cape was given responsible government.

The period during which Southey was secretary to the government was one of the most momentous in the history of the Colony. It coincided with the governorship of Sir Philip Wodehouse and questions such as responsible government, alternate parliaments, the annexation of British Kaffraria, new advances in Native policy, and the difficult management of colonial finances. Southey’s voluminous correspondence with frontiersmen, administrators, missionaries, farmers and speculators, and particularly the frank semi-official letters preserved in the Southey Collection in the Cape Archives, clearly illustrate his views and the prominent part he played in advancing the colonial frontier. He was still a determined expansionist who believed firmly that imperial control over the natives of the whole sub-continent offered the only assurance of a unified, peaceful and progressive Native policy.

Southey considered imperial control of Basutoland the focal point of his expansionist programme. In the crucial years 1865-68 his attitude and correspondence emphasize this single aim, and, once the annexation had been accomplished, he was equally determined in his support for Wodehouse and the contention that Basutoland should not be transferred either to the Cape or to Natal. Similarly, he supported both Grey and Wodehouse in their policy of White colonization: Grey’s policy in the Ciskei and Wodehouse’s policy in the areas beyond the Kei. When the Cape Legislature and the British government withdrew their support, Southey still opposed a Bantu Transkei and awaited with anxiety Britain ‘s decision about British Kaffraria. Like Wodehouse, he advocated its annexation to the Cape, partly as a base for a British advance up the coast and partly as support for his schemes for White settlement further north. His Native policy, if it can be called this, gained for him and his immediate superior severe censure from the Cape Parliament , and misgivings in Whitehall, but he persevered in the belief that opposition would give way before the need for long-term security.

Southey regarded the diamond discoveries of and after 1867 as another opportunity for the extension of British authority, and a possible means of ending the depression in the Cape Colony. He had much in common with David Arnot, whose motives were perhaps less altruistic than those of Southey Persuaded by Arnot that the extension of British rule was essential, Southey made direct representations to the British Colonial Office, particularly after the Transvaal proclamation of 1868.

But he found his hands tied by the unwillingness of both High Commissioner and Whitehall to intervene unless approached by both parties in the dispute. Only after Wodehouse had left in May, 1870, did the Southey-Arnot negotiations proceed more rapidly. Southey pressed Arnot to persuade the Griquas, like the Basuto, to request British suzerainty, for he well knew the imperial government’s aversion to accepting responsibility without authority. He collected evidence on boundaries and Griqua rights, assiduously preparing the way for British annexation while at the same time steering commercial interests at the Cape into an attitude favourable to annexation. When this annexation came in 1871 it was due largely to the preparatory work which Southey had done at his key post in Cape Town.

Throughout his period as Colonial Secretary Southey was a firm opponent of responsible government, alienating not only a large section of Parliament but even members of the Executive Council such as William Porter. Like Wodehouse, Southey believed that the Cape Parliament’s obstructionist attitude was irreconcilable with its demand for responsible government, and so he backed the Governor in all his schemes for financial reform and, in later years, in the alternate schemes for constitutional reform. His opposition to responsible government came to a head when Sir Henry Barkly took over from Wodehouse. Barkly was committed by imperial resolution to the adoption of responsible government, a fact which did not prevent Southey, backed to a large degree by the eastern districts, from opposing the measure. When the change was made at the end of 1872, Southey retired from the colonial service. He was created a C.M.G. and presented by the colonists with silver plate.

His retirement was brief; in December 1872 he was asked by Barkly to accept the lieutenant-governorship of the crown colony of Griqualand West, and this post he held from January 1873 until August 1875. This involved the difficult task of negotiating boundaries disputed by the O.F.S. and working out the details of administration for a territory whose future was uncertain and whose restless digger population at Kimberley even staged an abortive miners’ revolt in 1875. At this time his expansionist views forced on him the belief that the occupation of Bechuanaland would round off British influence to the north. But this was an aim achieved only a decade after Southey had left Griqualand.

After his turbulent and harassing administration Southey returned to the eastern districts, only to enter politics in September 1876 as the Member of Parliament for Grahamstown after the death of George Carver Clough. He joined the opposition to the ministry of John Charles Molteno. When Parliament was prorogued in August 1878 Southey’s public career ended, and he finally went into retirement near Wynberg. He maintained, however, for many years more his interest in public affairs, serving as president of the Edinburgh Exhibition Committee in 1884, and being elected a colonel of the Cape Town voluntary artillery. In 1891 he was made a K.C.M.G. in recognition of his services to his country.

Southey was an ardent Freemason; he was initiated at the Lodge De Goede Hoop, Cape Town, in 1848, and had, by 1862, become provincial Grand Master of South Africa, later holding other high offices as well in Freemasonry. Southey was buried in St. John’s Cemetery, Wynberg. He was twice married. In 1830, he married Isabella Shaw (†1869), the youngest daughter of John Shaw, by whom he had five sons: Charles William Southey (1832-1924), founder of the Culmstock horse stud and M.L.C. for the eastern districts, 1858-1859; John Henry Oliver Southey (1836-1876), government land surveyor and farmer in the Queenstown district; William Robert James Southey (1839-1909); Richard George Southey; and Juan Smith Southey, a Cape civil servant. In 1872 Southey married Susanna Maria Hendrika Krynauw (†1890), daughter of a descendant of the French Huguenots, Anthony David (David Anthonie) Krynauw, of Krynauw’s Hof, Grabouw, and his wife Helena Geertruida Gie. Susanna was a younger sister of Daniel Krynauw, an authority on Cape heraldry, and a sister of Helena Gertruida Johanna Krynauw, who married Charles Davidson Bell in 1859. After the second marriage there were two children, Helena Georgina Southey (unmarried) and Cecil Henry Southey, a farmer of East Griqualand.

A photograph portrait of SOUTHEY by Frederick York appears in the Cape Monthly Magazine, VIII (Jul.-Dec. 1860), ‘Our portrait gallery, no. 21′; and there are other portraits in the collection of the S.A. Library, Cape Town. There is a portrait of SOUTHEY in the McGregor Memorial Museum, Kimberley; and a bust (1969) for the 1820 Settler Memorial at Grahamstown by I. Mitford-Barberton. Portraits of SOUTHEY also appear in A. F. Williams, Some dreams come true (Cape Town, 1948); R. W. Murray, South African reminiscences (Cape Town, 1894); and Wilmot (infra).

Family Tree of Richard Southey

George Southey born 5th December 1777 baptised Culmstock, Devon, England 12 January 1778, left Bristol 19 December 1819 on board Kennersley Castle arrived in Algoa Bay 2 May 1820 where land 30 miles from Grahamstown was allocated to them died Grahamstown, July 1831 son of John Southey and Elizabeth Potter married Culmstock, Devon 10 September 1800 Joan BAKER born circa 1782, † Grahamstown 16 October 1835.

b1John born 23.11.1801 in Culmstock 13.12.1801 † Culmstock 19.11.1818

b2 Sophia born 9.8.1804 Culmstock 6.1.1805 † 4.9.1880, divorced Peddie, Eastern Cape married Grahamstown 28.9.1826 Joseph STIRK born Headingley, Yorkshire 13.12.1801 died Grahamstown 22.7.1881 Wesleyan Cemetery, Peddie son of John Stirk and Mary Prockter

b3 William born 6.9.1806 Culmstock, Devon 19.10.1806 died “De Puts” (now Lansdown), district Middelburg, CP 14.11.1882 buried “De Puts” married Graaff-Reinet 10.10.1839 Henrietta Geddes BAIN born 2.2.1823 Graaff-Reinet 11.5.1823 † “Quagga’s Valley”, district Graaff-Reinet 24.10.1842 daughter if Andrew Geddes Bain and Maria Elizabeth von Backstrom

c1 Henrietta born 26.9.1840 † 7.5.1854

c2 William Geddes born 13.3.1842 “Bloemhof’, dist. Graaff-Reinet 31.1.1843 † 7.5.1854

b4 Richard (Sir) born 25.4.1808 Culmstock, Devon 12.6.1808 t Southfield, Plumstead, Cape Town 22.7.1901 buried St. John’s, Wynberg, Cape Town married circa 1830 Isabella SHAW born England circa 1810, † Cape Town 21.6.1869 (John-dg) married second time Nov. 1872 Susanna Maria Hendrika KRYNAUW born circa 1842 † Southfield 14.2.1890 daughter if Anthonie David Krynauw and Helena Gertruida Wilhelmina Gie

c1 Charles William born Grahamstown 18.7.1832, Senator died “Culmstock”, Schoombee 30.7.1924 buried Middelburg, CP married St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Cradock circa 1864 Georgina Sarah Maria GREAVES born district Cradock 6.12.1848 died “Culmstock”, Schoombee 7.8.1923 † Middelburg, CP daughter if George Duly Greaves and Elizabeth Mary Gilfillan

To find out more buy the book SA Genealogies Volume 12 from GISA

Source: Dictionary of South African Biography

Image Source: National Library