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Paternal Lineage DNA Test

November 17, 2010

Are you related to a well-known historical figure? Do you descend from the initial settlers in Europe, prior to the start of the Ice Age, more than 20,000 years ago? Or perhaps your ancestors were visitors from North Africa or Asia? Unveil your past with the Paternal Lineage Test.

The Paternal Ancestry Test, offered in partnership with the DNA Diagnostics Centre in the UK, will enable you to discover your ancient paternal heritage via Y-chromosome testing. This test needs a DNA sample from a male, as it checks the Y-chromosome markers to determine which paternal haplogroup or “clan” you belong to. If you’re female and would like to take this test, you will have to submit a paternal relative’s DNA sample such as your father, brother or grandfather.

Approximately 175,000 years ago, the modern human race was born in East Africa. Humans over time began to move out of east Africa to settle in other parts of the world, and as they established themselves in various locations, their DNA took on distinct markers, creating a genetic confirmation of our ancestors’ migration throughout the ancient world. These markers define the haplogroup you belong to, which is related to a place of origin, as specified by the letters in the map.

The map shows the paths early humans followed out of east Africa

How are the DNA samples collected?

Samples for the Paternal Lineage DNA test are collected using the easy and pain-free buccal swab method. Buccal swabs are like cotton wool buds found in supermarkets and chemists. Collecting the DNA is non-invasive and pain-free; four buccal swabs are rubbed against the inside of the cheeks. This motion collects cheek cells, and within these cells contain the DNA used to determine your paternal background.

Full and easy to follow instructions and swabs for DNA collection are included in the DNA kit that will be posted to you once you’ve ordered your test.

What will you receive?

Your Paternal Lineage DNA Test report will state your haplogroup, indicating the area of the world your ancestors hailed from. It also contains raw data, also called a haplotype, for your Y-STR DNA test, which will enable you to carry out further investigation in other ancestral gateways. Once your analysis has been completed, you will receive the following:

Example of a paternal lineage test DNA certificate

  • Designation of your haplogroup.
  • A custom-made and personalised map showing your ancestors’ passage and where they first settled in the ancient world.
  • Your Y-STR profile (raw data)
  • Facts about your haplogroup, including which parts of the world you can find your “genetic cousins” and prominent people who share the same haplogroup as you do.

Purchase a DNA Paternal Lineage Test

Click here to order and begin your personal journey! You will receive your results within 4-6 weeks once the laboratory has received your samples. Our couriers will deliver the test to you and pick it up from you once you’re ready. The price includes the courier services.

Related Products

Two related tests are available: read more about the AncestrybyDNA™ and Maternal Lineage DNA Test kits.

AncestrybyDNA Testing

November 17, 2010

Do you want to discover more about your ancestors and ultimately, what makes you uniquely you? Uncover your full ancestry mix through this exciting and unique new test, AncestrybyDNA™.

How does the test work?

Your DNA contains information on your family’s history. The AncestrybyDNA™ test reveals your family’s history, detailing where your ancestors originated from.

The ancient world had large numbers of migrations — modern humans originated in East Africa roughly 200,000 years ago, and moved through the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East to populate Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world. We’re the creation of both ancient and recent migrations. You can learn about these influences through the AncestrybyDNA™ test, offered in partnership with DNA Diagnostics Centre in the UK.

The AncestrybyDNA™ test analyses 176 locations in your DNA to establish your biogeographical profile. It details how much of the four founding populations can be found in your own DNA, listing percentages for European, East Asian, Sub-Saharan African, and Native American. These are defined as:

  • European: includes Europeans, South Asians and Middle Easterners
  • East Asian: includes the Chinese, Koreans, Japanese and Islands from the Pacific region.
  • African: includes people with roots in the Sub-Saharan area of Africa.
  • Native American: comprises of people who migrated to occupy North, South and Central America.

What will you receive?AncestrybyDNA kit

Once you place an order for the AncestrybyDNA™ test, you will get the following:

  • A simple to use DNA sample collection kit with cheek swabs and full instructions
  • A personalised Ancestry Test Certificate detailing your ancestral profile
  • A comprehensive AncestrybyDNA™ manual that explains your results, providing additional information about ancestry testing and human migration history

Order your test today and discover for yourself! You will receive your results within 4-6 weeks once the laboratory has received your samples. Our couriers will deliver the test to you and pick it up from you once you’re ready. The price includes the courier services.

Related Products

Two related tests are available: read more about the Paternal Lineage DNA Test and Maternal Lineage DNA Test kits.

Human Ancestry Made Easy

July 25, 2009

This video traces our migration out of Africa and explains, through DNA evidence, how humans colonized the world. It is part of the Made Easy series of videos that show the evidence of our origins, from the Big Bang onwards.


Genes Hold the Key to Lost Identity

July 2, 2009

DNA can be considered an internal map of genetic heritage within the framework of family relationships. A spontaneous alteration (mutation) in DNA transmitted in families forms the basis for confirmation or exclusion of possible ancestral links between individuals.

Mutations are differences in the genetic make-up of an individual that commonly occur. Although some mutations increase the risk of disease, most gene variations of this type have no clinical effect. Nevertheless, such neutral genetic changes are very useful for identity testing and to search for ancestral relationships. The genetic tests most commonly used in genealogy research involve analysis of the Y-chromosome to determine the paternal lineage, or mitochondrial DNA analysis to trace the maternal lineage.