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The largest online archive of South African genealogy records

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Available Databases

Ancestry24 is the most comprehensive online information source for South African family history. Here is a list of just some of our databases, which grow daily.

14,000+ records from various registers covering 1895 - 1921
1000,000+ records from 1600's until the 1950's
Over 5,000 in a growing collection
50,000+ from various parish records and cemeteries
From Namaqualand, Eastern Cape, Johannesburg, Cape and Natal
50,000+ recorded persons travelling between England and South Africa
Government Gazettes
Legal announcements of deceased persons in South Africa 1992 - current
500,000+ individuals from the Transvaal and Cape from 1838 - 1900's
Lists of Inhabitants of the Cape 1813 - 1891
various records including indexes to Anglo Boer War, Rhodesian Rebellion and Boer War Prisoners in Bermuda
Newspaper Domestic Announcements
Daily birth, marriage, death notices from national newspapers 2005 - current