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Villiersdorp Cemetery

Over 500 images photographed from Villiersdorp Cemetery. You can either browse through the images on the Gallery or search on our main search page.

VILLIERSDORP, C.P. Town in the district of Caledon, 32 km by road north-west of that town and 52 km south-west of Worcester. It was established in 1841 by Field-Cornet Pieter Hendrik de Villiers and named after him

The De Villiers Graaff High School was founded in 1907 and named after Sir David de Villiers Graaff, who donated £50 000 to the school funds. On the farm Radyn one of the five old water-mills erected by the Dutch East India Company is still to be seen. The area produces large quantities of grapes, onions, apples, peaches and apricots, most of which are received and marketed by the Villiersdorp Moskonfyt and Fruit Co-operative. Onions are produced annually and are mainly exported to England. The Villiersdorp Moskonfyt en Vrugtekoöperasie Beperk” was inaugurated on 28 January 1922 with the main purpose to produce “moskonfyt” (grape must jam). This makes Villiersdorp Cellar one of the oldest producer cellars in South Africa.

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